IFFI 2019 invites Film Submissions for Indian Panorama 2019
Indian Panorama is a significant component of the International Film Festival of India, organised by the Directorate of Film Festival under the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Govt. of India, which features the best Indian Films of the year.
Directorate of Film Festival has initiated the process for receiving entries for Indian Panorama Section of the 50th International Film Festival of India to be held from November 20-28, 2019 in Goa, with some changes in the regulations.
The aim of the Indian Panorama, organised by the Directorate is to select feature and non-feature films of cinematic, thematic and aesthetic excellence, for the promotion of film art through the non-profit screening of these films in:
- International Film Festivals in India and abroad
- Indian Film Weeks held under Bilateral Cultural Exchange Programmes and Specialized Indian Film Festivals outside cultural exchange protocols.
- Special Indian Panorama Festivals in India
The Indian Panorama will have the following sections ~ Feature films and Non-feature films
A maximum of 26 Feature films and 21 Non-Feature films (including the Best Feature and Best Non-Feature films from 66th National Film Awards, 2018), distinguished by cinematic, thematic and aesthetic excellence selected in accordance with the conditions and procedure laid down below will feature in the Indian Panorama 2019 at 50th International Film Festival of India.
The last date for submission of On- Line applications is 10th August, 2019 and the last date for receipt of the stamped and signed hard copy of the submitted online application form along with the requisite material is 22nd August, 2019.
In case 22nd August, 2019 is declared a holiday, the next working day will be treated as the last date for receipt of Entries. Applications received after the last date may be rejected without any reference to the applicant. (Note: Both the versions (Online and Hard Copy) of application forms submitted by the applicants should be same).
Awards & Recognition
Out of 26 feature films selected in Indian Panorama, two films will be recommended for the competition section of International Film Festival of India 2019. Debut film(s) of a Director selected for Indian Panorama 2019 will also be considered for the Centenary Award for the Best Debut Film of a Director proposed to be given at the 50th International Film Festival of India. The award carries Rs. 10,00,000/- and a silver peacock. Maximum of two such films will be considered for this award.
Other Important points to be noted before applying:
Classroom and advertising films are not eligible for participation in any section.
Final screening material must comply with technical standards specified by SMPTE for screening at International Film Festivals. Directorate of Film Festivals reserves the right to refuse screening if found otherwise.
The Participants must ensure that they have the right to participate in the International Film Festival of India with regard to parties connected with the production/ distribution of the participating film and/ or other right holders/ licenses.
The completion year of production of the films should be during the last 12 months preceding the festival i.e. 1st August, 2018 to 31st July, 2019. The applicant should submit a declaration stating the date of completion year of production in the format as prescribed. Films certified by CBFC during the period 1st August, 2018 to
31st July, 2019 are also eligible.
31st July, 2019 are also eligible.

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